
Identification and Field Handling of Aphanomyces euteiches on Pea (Pisum sativum). 29-11-2024 - 11:26

Aphanomyces euteiches is a destructive soilborne plant pathogen. This oomycete organism survives in the soil for decades and infects and degrades roots of plants from 11 families. Infected roots develop a golden-brown color, begin to disintegrate  and the entire root system is destroyed. Symptoms of Aphanomyces root rot are  gray and water-soaked roots and as the disease progresses, the roots become golden-brown, decayed and soft. Aboveground symptoms such as chlorosis and necrosis of leaves at the base of the plant  follows. In the advanced stages of root rot, the cortical tissue surrounding the vascular tissue begins to slough off  and can be removed easily.  ...
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Stemphylium Leaf Blight caused by Stemphylium vesicarium in leeks. 10-10-2024 - 16:04

Stemphylium leaf blight (SLB), caused by Stemphylium vesicarium, is a foliar disease of onion and leek worldwide. The disease has been recently detected in Denmark in leeks.   ...
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Mycotoxin tests hos Ekoplan laboratorium. 10-10-2024 - 15:35

En række svampe som findes i korn og foder kan under særlige forhold danne forskellige  toksiner. Der findes tre kategorier af toksiner, som kan findes i korn og foder til grise. Toksiner fra svampe som Fusarium, stinkbrand og meldrøje dannes før høst. Toksiner, der dannes efter høst er produceret af skimmelsvampe inden for familierne Aspergillus og Penicillum. Svampene kan i vådt lagret korn producere toksinet ochratoksin A.  Det sidste kategori findes aflatoxiner som forekommer med importerede råvarer .    ...
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Rodgallenematoden Meloidogyne naasi blev fundet i vinterhvede i vinterbyg. 14-06-2024 - 15:32

Der blev konstateret angreb af rodgallenematoden Maloidogyne nassi og Pratylenchus sp. i marker med vinterhvede og vinterbyg. Angrebne planter har stærk tendens til at hænge eller visne, fordi vandoptagelsen blokeres, væksten er stærkt tilbagesat og planterne viser mangler på næringsstoffer.  De mest karakteristiske symptomer er dog de større eller mindre fortykkelser på rødderne, den såkaldte galledannelse.  ...
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Nye diagnosemetoder til udsædsbårne sygdomme for bygbladplet Drechslera teres (Pyrenophora teres) i vårbyg. 22-03-2024 - 17:28

Ekoplan ApS introducerer nu en alternativ analysemetode til udsædsbårne sygdomme i vårbyg som Drechslera teres (Pyrenophora teres).  ...
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Rhizoctonia Crown Rot of begonia. 22-03-2024 - 17:07

Plant pathogen Rhizoctonia solani is often found attacking small plants, causing root rot, stem rot, and damping off of young and/or stressed plants in moist to wet soil. Stems often rot at the soil line and plants collapse and die. A fine webbing of fungal growth may be seen between the infected stems and nearby soil particles. Foliage may develop small dark brown, or black lesions that expand overtime to blight infected tissue.  ...
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Root Rot Diseases of Tomato Plants Caused by Fusarium sp. and Rhizoctonia solani. 22-03-2024 - 16:19

Among fungal diseases that attack tomato crop wilts and root rots are found to be the most important diseases. The root rot caused by Fusarium sp., Pythium sp. or Rhizoctonia solani can be very devastating and destructive diseases of tomato. However it can be difficult to see difference between symptoms caused by Rhizoctonia solani, Pythium sp. and Fusarium sp. Symptoms for these pathogens can be wilting and a slow or rapid collapse of the plant. The roots can appear brown and water-soaked instead of white.  ...
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